The basic presupposition of the entirety of Scripture is not only that God exists, but that man is sinful and Jesus Christ is our only way to salvation. The biblical drama unfolds for us the characters – God and man, the problem – man’s disobedience and sin, and finally the resolution – salvation in Jesus Christ alone. What makes this resolution possible is the deity of Jesus Christ, for no mere man could bring about the resolution we need. That reality is presumed to be true throughout the bible and presented again and again.
Depending upon how one translates monogenes from John 1:14, you will either understand the logos, Jesus Christ, to be the only begotten or the only unique son of God. Either way there is the understanding that there is something altogether different about this Son as compared to the son of any other man. This Son was not only present at creation, but was the very word used to bring it about. Furthermore, as the only-begotten son of God it is evident that that there is an eternal generation from which the Father and the Son both belong. Jesus by his own words in John 14:9-10 admits that anyone who has seen him has seen God the Father because the Father lives in the Son, and the Son in the Father. As C.S. Lewis put it, these are either the ravings of a liar and a lunatic, if not the true words of God. Jesus Christ also assumes the attributes of God, as he has already intimately connected himself to the Father; he now ascribes righteousness to the Father in John 17:25 and by direct implication to himself. For it is only a truly righteous God that could create, love, preserve and save those he chooses.
The deity of Christ is further understood and reinforced by the preaching and epistles of the Apostle Paul. In his exhortation to the Philippian church, Paul states that to be like Jesus Christ, “who, being in the very nature God” humbled himself (Philippians 2:6). Paul clearly states here that Jesus Christ is not only the Son, but is God himself. He has all the characteristics of deity and this truth is proclaimed clearly, without question and authoritatively. Paul continues by pointing the church to the Covenant Lordship of Jesus Christ, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). The Lordship of Jesus Christ pronounces his authority, control and presence as the glorified Son of God.
Finally, the author of Hebrews focuses us in upon the very power and accomplishment of the deity of Christ. Again there is a confession of Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Hebrews 4:14) and that confession is one that is meant to grow faith. By confessing the deity of Jesus Christ, our faith is made stronger for we are humbly submitting to his lordship. The power of our salvation is made manifest in the sinless acts of our savior, that he was tempted in every way and yet was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). There we find mercy; there we find confidence to proclaim not only the deity of Christ, but our everlasting life in Christ.
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