The way in which we receive the grace of Christ: the benefits that come to us and the effects that follow2. Historia salutis, ordo salutis
a) Redemption accomplished through the once and for all acts of Christ.3. Hoekema’s pentagon (draw it)
b) Redemption applied through union with Christ.

a) Total renewal of person in Christ that generally encompasses gift of new life and sanctification.
b) Origin of life that focuses upon the moment that one becomes a Christian.
5. External call and particular call
a) The verbal call heard by all who hear the Gospel proclaimed and witness the acts of God in creation.6. “Inner man,” “outer man”
b) The inner call heard only by those who have been elect to seek the Kingdom of God.
a) The internally renewed, justified and sanctified self who enjoys the benefits of being in Christ at present.7. notitia, assensus, fiducia
b) The outward wasting away body that endures the effects of sin, the fall and the curse which groans with creation longing for the day of resurrection.
a) Knowledge that is necessary for salvation.
b) Assent that is belief and application of salvation.
c) Faith that is total entrustment to Christ for salvation.
8. forensic justification
The declarative act of God, as judge, that acquits sin on the basis of Christ’s righteousness, not our own, as a holy and perfect judgment.9. ground of justification
Not man’s righteousness obtained by the law nor man’s faith, but Christ’s own righteousness obtained by obedience to the Father, death upon the cross and resurrection as firstfruit.10. “alien righteousness”
Not man’s righteousness obtained by the law, but righteousness of and from God, conferred upon man by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
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