The paper is an exegesis paper on some portion of Romans 1-8 (at least 10 verses). The section should be a coherent section. Use significant commentaries, lexicons and other important resources to help you understand the passage. You must incorporate in your research not only commentaries and other exegetical helps, but also you must find at least 2 relatively recent articles on your section. Be sure to footnote any information you get from any sources. Include a bibliography. The paper is to be typed, double-spaced. This is a major paper, but should not exceed about 12 pages. If you know Greek, make use of it, but knowledge of Greek is not required.
1. Pick a coherent section Romans 1-8 you are interested in studying of at least 10 verses.
2. Show how your section fits into the outline of the whole epistle and further develops Paul's argument as a whole in this letter.
3. Give a single sentence stating the theme of the section you are examining.
4. Give a very detailed outline of your passage (how every phrase fits in relation to the others).
5. Explain each verse in your passage, discussing any problems in the text and giving your understanding of each verse. This may be done in a commentary style. This is the main portion of the paper.
6. State how the information from your passage should be applied today.

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